Forms Incident Report

Incident Report

Immediate cause of incident*
Was First Aid treatment given at the time?*
Was the injured person able to continue work immediately after the incident?*
Did the injured person have to attend hospital?*
Did the police attend the scene?*

As per the Data Protection Regulations, your personal details are required as we have a legal obligation to fulfil and that we have a vital and legitimate interest in regards the protection of people from injury and ill health. Your personal details will be held as confidential records with restricted access. Your personal details will only be passed to external parties that have a legal interest eg regulators, insurance provider. Your personal details will be held for four years in case of injury and 40 years in case of an incident that may cause occupational ill-health. You have the right to obtain a copy of all information held on you by the company. You have the right to request correction of the data where you believe it is incorrect. You do not have the right of erasure as the witness statement is a legal record. If you are dis-satisfied regards the handling of your personal data you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office and if you remain unsatisfied to a legal remedy. Should you require to view your records then contact the Rail & Compliance Co-Ordinator.

Unit 12, Dolphin Point,
Dolphin Way, Purfleet, West Thurrock
RM19 1NR
Business Hours
Office and Admin
Monday - Friday: 9AM to 5PM
Night Desk & emergencies - call 07951 289 994
Contact Details
01708 866 633
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